The Pet on Wheels (POW) story begins with Alice, the Jack Russell, and her devoted owner Mesimillion...
Mesimillion loves riding his scooter around Milan almost as much as he loves 'Alice' his delightful Jack Russel. He wanted to take Alice with him on his scooter but failed to find any pet carrier for scooters he was happy with.
He approached his long time friend Andrea a manufacturer of plastic components for a variety of commercial and domestic products to ask if he could create something for him. The result? The ultimate pet carrier - POW!
Designed specifically for carrying pets safely and securely on a motorcycle, scooter, bicycle or in a car, this Italian designed and manufactured pet carrier is beautifully simple and stylishly playful. Available in a range of colour combinations with contrasting inserts, these carriers will comfortably hold pets weighing up to 10kg (22lb).